3 Ways You Can Use Trenchless Repair To Fix A Damaged Cast-Iron Sewer Line

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Cast-iron pipes have been around for decades, and they are still used in residential plumbing today. They are durable and sturdy, making them an excellent choice for residential sewer lines. However, they fail over time, which can cause sewer leaks on your property. If you have an old or worn cast-iron sewer line, you don't have to excavate your property to fix it. Modern trenchless sewer repair techniques can address various forms of damage while protecting your yard from excavation. Below are three ways you can use trenchless repair methods to fix a damaged cast iron sewer pipe.

Fix Sewer Line Leaks

Old cast-iron pipes develop hairline cracks that grow wider and longer over time, causing the pipe to leak. If you notice sewer odors or wet patches in your yard, your sewer line is leaking. You can use pipe relining to fix the cracks and prevent further leakage. Pipe relining is a trenchless technique that involves curing the interior of a pipe using a special resin. The resin hardens and forms another crack-free pipe inside the sewer line. This process doesn't require excavation. Instead, your contractor only needs to dig a small hole to access the leaking sewer line.

Address Corrosion 

Corrosion is a common phenomenon in old cast-iron pipes. It can result from corrosive chemicals in wastewater, especially in households that dump chemical cleaning products down the drains. Since cast-iron pipes have thick material, they can rust from the inside without leaking. However, over time, the rust buildup in the piping impedes wastewater flow and causes sewer backups.

Pipe relining is a great technique for addressing corrosion in old cast-iron pipes. The resin that cures a lining inside the pipe creates a smooth interior for wastewater to flow easily. Before relining the sewer line, clean it using a jetting machine to clear the buildup. Drain jetting uses highly pressurized water to dislodge clogs from rust, solid waste, and tree roots.

Fix and Curb Tree Root Invasion

Cast-iron pipes are sturdy and can resist tree root invasion for years. Unfortunately, roots can still invade the pipes at the joints, especially if your sewer line has loose-fitting joints. Once the roots break through the joints, they can cause hairline cracks in the piping. Pipe relining can fix and curb tree root invasion. The resin covers cracks and loose joints and prevents tree roots from invading the piping in the future. 

Replacing an old cast-iron sewer line can be an expensive and disruptive project. If your sewer line has rust, is leaking, or has been damaged by tree roots, you can repair it through pipe relining. This repair technique not only fixes the damage but also prolongs the lifespan of the sewer line.

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