Why You Need A Certified Plumber's Help For Gas Line Installation

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Plumbers do more than just fix toilets, sinks, and other water-related systems. They fix gas lines, too. Some DIY enthusiasts choose to install gas lines on their own to save a few bucks. The result is poor gas line installation that can cause leaks and put your entire household in immediate danger of fire and explosions.

To prevent such problems, here are compelling reasons why you need a plumber for gas line installation. 

They Adhere to Building Codes

Some states require that only licensed and certified professionals install gas lines. You can consult a code enforcer to know if these rules apply to you as well. If so, you break the law when you extend, remove, modify, or extend a gas line yourself. 

Clearly, gas line installation is not a DIY job. This is a dangerous job, and a slight miscalculation can result in disaster. Professionals have the requisite expertise to install gas lines and do the job right the first time. If you have corroded gas lines, a qualified plumber can also guide you on the right replacement lines to avoid any losses.

They Ensure Your Safety

When you follow the DIY route for gas line installations, you put your loved ones' safety on the line. Remember, natural gas is highly combustible, and a slight spark can cause a raging fire that can take down your home.

Although a gas system is a reliable heating method, a lot is at stake if you make a rookie mistake during installation. Furthermore, a leaky gas line exposes you to carbon monoxide poisoning, which accounts for many fatalities each year in the U.S.

Generally, natural gas should be odorless. But manufacturers add an additive into the natural gas so you can detect a leak easily. If you notice an unpleasant smell (like rotten eggs) in your home, a gas leak is probably underway, and a faulty installation is likely to blame. So, let an expert handle any gas line installation to protect your family from carbon monoxide poisoning.  

They Protect Your Home

Gas-powered appliances (such as furnaces, water heaters, stoves, gas grills, and fireplaces) all connect to your main gas line. If you opt for DIY installation, you might undersize your gas system, which may cause your appliances to underperform. A certified plumber can install, size the gas system, and repair your appliances if needed. 

During a home remodeling project, your plumber can also configure the gas lines according to your new home layout. Furthermore, professionals carry insurance, which protects them and you if an unseen problem arises during installation. 

When you need gas line installation, repair, or maintenance, shelve the DIY idea and call a plumbing assistance service to do the job. This way, you, your loved ones, and your property will be safe from gas-related accidents caused by poor gas line installation. 

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Plumbers: They Fill a Need What was the first thing you did when you got up this morning? If you answered "go to the bathroom," "get a drink of water," or "brush my teeth," then it's important to realize the role that a plumber has already played in your day. The plumber who installed your plumbing made that morning routine possible! Some other plumbers may have worked on the system over the years, also contributing to your experience. Plumbers have a bigger impact on our daily lives than we often realize. In fact, that's one reason we write this blog — to make our readers more aware of their plumbing.


